Sunday, April 12, 2009

Follow your Dreams

Life is an adventure: unexplored, unchartered and full of new discoveries. Seldom do people think out of the box and follow their dreams. At other times they do what they think is "right" according to the society or what’s “best” for their parents, there by suppressing their dreams and along with, their true talents within.

And then, 30 years later they say "How I wish I had followed my dreams, at least I'd not be in this pathetic state!" Earning isn’t everything. The one who's lost to money, has lost all wisdom, and shall die with greed following him to his grave.

Remember the Sailor Song whenever you find yourself in such a situation:

O' Sailor,
Where art thou sails?
Have thee forgot,
How the eastern wind wails?

O' Sailor,
Why did thee follow thy captains'?
Is it 'cause,
He promised you beautiful dames and honey buns'?

O' Sailor,
Do thee wait for time to be spent?
The sun melts,
Do thee wait for the day to end?

O' Sailor,
Don’t thee see the North Star calling?
In thy greed,
Don’t thee feel the salty waters crying?

O' Sailor,
Has thou glow withered?
Is it true,
In thou blindness thou conscience dithered?

O' sailor,
Won’t thy travel to unchartered islands?
'tis not all laden with treasures,
But wont thy find success at length in thou hands?

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